
Cold weather working: Helping workers stay safe and warm

Employers are being reminded of their responsibilities to keep workers safe as the first spell of cold weather is set to hit the country. Great Britain’s workplace ...

Why health and safety should be a priority for every business.

Every business has a legal duty to ensure the health and safety of both employees and members of the public. While accidents do happen, adopting a robust approach to ...

Tips for managing a remote workforce

Many employers have quickly responded to the calls for social distancing to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) by allowing or even requiring employees to ...

The difference between surviving and thriving

The current risk landscape The challenging economic climate continues to impact companies across many sectors, and senior leaders are feeling the pressure. This can be ...

The Major Threats to Life in the Motor Trade

The annual death rate in the motor vehicle repair industry is 1.6 deaths per 100,000 workers — around four times the average rate across all industries. So, in this ...

HSE highlights dangers from metalworking fluids

Businesses are being warned to make sure their staff are safe when working with metalworking fluids or coolants. It’s a highly technical, specialist field applying ...

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