HSE highlights dangers from metalworking fluids

Businesses are being warned to make sure their staff are safe when working with metalworking fluids or coolants. It’s a highly technical, specialist field applying ...

Cannabis farms and the importance of tenant referencing

The illegal cultivation of cannabis is a growing problem. Until recently, cannabis cultivation was generally large scale, often taking place in industrial units, ...

Organisations need to prepare for more frequent flooding

Climate change will force organisations and communities to prepare for flood events The UK is underprepared for the projected increased risk of flooding posed by ...

Work-related fatality figures published

One hundred and thirty-five workers were killed in work-related incidents in Great Britain in the last year, according to figures published on Thursday, July 6 by the ...

Preparing your business for autumn

With the summer months drawing to a close and the cooler weather around the corner, it’s a good time for businesses to reflect on their risk management strategies ...

Sustainability in the motor repair industry

Rising repair costs are putting pressure on the motor insurance sector, with the latest figures from the Association of British Insurers showing that the current ...

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